Hockey Gear


Old: At first NHL players didn't wear helmets, but as they became popular in other sports the NHL began using them too. The first NHL helmets were made from leather and looked like the image below.
New: Now helmets are made from a plastic-like material with foam padding on the inside to protect players from head injuries. Helmets are required at all levels of hockey. Most players wear a cage or visor for extra protection.


Old: In the beginning players would just wear shoes with metal spikes on the bottom, making it difficult to move on the ice. Some skates were used in the early days of hockey, but these were made out of leather and looked like a pair of boots attached to a blade.
New: Today hockey skates are made from many different materials including nylon, molded plastic, and steel. These skates have ankle support to lessen the risk of injury. The skates allow players to move faster with more precise cuts, pivots, and movements.


Old: The first hockey sticks were made from wood. This made them very heavy and difficult to control. The blades of these sticks weren't curved which made it very hard to get the puck in the air when shooting.

New: Now sticks are typically made from carbon fiber and other composite materials. These sticks are much lighter and easier to control. The newer sticks also have curved blades allowing for the puck to get air during a shot. Another benefit of the carbon fiber sticks is much more powerful shots due to how flexible the sticks are.


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