

A major part of the NHL is the injuries. In hockey, there are many types of injuries players can get. Here are some of the most common.


    A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury caused by a blow to the head that causes the brain to move rapidly back and forth. A player with one or two minor concussions can usually resume playing after a while, but any more than that can be career-ending.

Fractures and Breaks:
    Players may experience broken bones, usually in the hands, fingers, or wrists, as a result of impacts with sticks or the puck. Depending on how bad the break is a player can take 6-8 weeks to get back to healthy.

Shoulder Injuries:

    Dislocations, separations, or rotator cuff injuries can result from falls, collisions, or impacts along the boards. The most common shoulder injuries are Clavicle fractures and shoulder dislocations. These can take 10-12 weeks to heal.

Achilles Tendon Injuries:

    These injuries can result from sudden accelerations or decelerations, as well as collisions with other players. When you injure your Achilles tendon there is a chance it ruptures making you unable to walk. Rupturing your Achilles tendon it takes about six months to get back to playing.


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